Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Yep, I work at home, not at work!

SO ladies, its time to buck up! If you dont hold yourself in good light, no one else will. Stop looking and feeling apologetic when you say you are a housewife. Maybe its time to even look for another word to describe our status. Or not! The word itself doesnt matter. Its the perception that you have of your job and it naturally translates into the perceptionthat others have of you.
Whether paid or not both can be described as working for a living. Just putting food on the table is not enough, you gotta plan, store, cook, clean, enable good living conditions, ensure hygiene and the welfare of your family. Its goes beyond '9 to 5'. This kind of work in 24/7. You are always on call like a doctor.
See yourself as an enabler, as a facilitator.
On that note, lets toast to us! (umm i know its kind of early, but what is a good cup of coffee for!)

The joy of playing

I ran for cover as my partner rushed to the net with her racket raised high over her head and cried "haaaaaaa ya".  The poor s...